- 1-5 Oct. 2017: $46,675 Travel grants and registration fees to 26 IEEE IAS members to participate in the IAS Annual meeting in Cincinnati, OH, USA
- 1-4 Aug. 2017: $1,500 Funds from IEEE Industry Applications Society to ME-SYP 2017 Congress
- 1-4 Aug. 2017: $1,500 Funds from IEEE Power & Energy Society to ME-SYP 2017 Congress
- 24-27 Jul. 2017: $750 Travel grant from IEEE WIE to 1 author to participate in ICALT conference
- 23 Jun. 2017: $1,000 Funds from IEEE Solid State-Circuits Society to the Tunisian chapter
- 20 Jun. 2017: $500 Funds from IEEE Industry Applications Society to ENSI IAS student chapter
- 2 Jun. 2017: $700 Funds from IEEE Communication Society to the ComSoc Tunisia chapter
- 22-23 May 2017: $1,000 Travel grant for 1 volunteer to IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference (WIE ILC)
- 27 April 2017: $15,121.40 Rebate for section, regular chapters, and affinity groups
- 12 April 2017: $10,000 Humanitarian Activities grant (SIGHT project)
- April 2017: $1,037.31 IEEE PES High Performing Student Branch Chapter Program Award to PES student chapters in ENIS, INSAT, ENIT, and ENIM
- April 2017: $15,450 Travel grants and registration fees to 17 IEEE IAS WIE female students to participate in IEEE meetings (EEEIC, ELECTRIMAX, I&CPS, IHTC, IYCE, TEMSCON, Ukrcon, and WIE ILC)
- 5 April 2017: $1,000 Funds from IEEE SSC Society to SSCS Tunisia chapter
- 3-5 Apr. 2017: $500 Travel grant from IEEE R8 VCF of 1 author to participate to ASAR workshop in France
- 24-26 Mar. 2017: $1,000 Travel grant from IEEE SIGHT to participate in the IEEE Region 8 SIGHT meeting
- 6 Feb. 2017: $5,220 Region 8 Mind the Gap project fund
- 4 Jan. 2017: $500 Funds from IEEE Industry Applications Society to ENISo IAS student chapter
- 14 Dec. 2016: $300 funds from IEEE Power & Energy Society to the PENC 2016 meeting
- 12-14 Dec. 2016: $2,000 travel funds from IEEE IoT Initiative to participate in the IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things in Virginia, USA
- 6-9 Dec. 2016: $3,500 travel funds from IEEE Internet Initiative to 3 students to participate in the Internet Governance Forum in Mexico
- 2 Dec. 2016: $400 Funds from IEEE Women In Engineering for WIE Tunisia Affinity group
- 29 Nov.-2 Dec. 2016: $500 Travel grant from IEEE R8 VCF of 1 author to participate to AICCSA 2016 in Morocco
- 29 Nov. 2016: $500 Region 8 Mind the Gap MtG contest award
- 18 Nov. 2016: $2,300 IEEE Energy project under PES Members Driven Initiatives for INSAT PES Student chapter
- 10 Nov. 2016: $2,622 Student branch grant for SB activities (rebate) (SupCom, ENSTAB, ISSATSo, ENICar, INSAT, ENIG, ENET’Com, FST, ENISo, ENIT, ENIS, ULT, ENIM)
- 9 Nov. 2016: $500 IEEE Member-Get-a-Member Section award
- 8 Nov. 2016: $150 ISSAT Sousse Student branch outstanding branch counselor award
- 9-12 Oct. 2016: $750 Travel grant from IEEE Women In Engineering to 1 author to present accepted paper in IEEE SMC 2016 in Budapest, Hungary
- 2-6 Oct. 2016: $28,500 Travel grants and registration fees to 17 IEEE IAS members to participate in the IAS Annual meeting in Portland, USA
- 17-21 August 2016: $5,200 from IEEE Region 8 and $4,000 from IEEE IA Society to pay the registration and accommodation fees of 23 IEEE student members to participate in the R8 SYP congress in Regensburg, Germany
- 15-17 August 2016: $10,575 registration and Travel fees from IEEE Power & Energy Society to 9 IEEE PES student members to participate in the 2nd IEEE PES Student Congress in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 14-19 August 2016: $1,200 registration and Travel fees from IEEE IA Society to 1 IAS student member to participate in the 3rd Summer Academy on Energy (SAE^2) in Budabest, Hungary
- 24-29 July 2016: $750 Travel grant from IEEE Computational Intelligence Society to 1 author to present accepted paper in IEEE WCCI 2016 in Vancouver, Canada
- 1 July 2016: $200 IEEE PES High Performing Student Branch Chapter Program Award for PES ENIM student chapter
- 28 June – 2 July: $1,200 Travel grant for 1 IEEE student from IEEE Smart Village initiative to participate to the IEEE Power Africa Conference in Livingstone, Zambia
- 1-3 June 2016: $450 Travel grant from IEEE R8 VCF of 1 author to participate to RCIS 2016 in France
- 1-3 June 2016: $500 Travel grant from IEEE R8 VCF of 1 author to participate to ICALT 2016 in Poland
- 27 May 2016: $200 Funds from IEEE Women In Engineering for WIE student ENI Carthage
- 23-24 May 2016: $1,425 Travel fund to 1 student to participate in the IEEE Women In Engineering International Leadership Conference, in San Jose, USA
- 23 May 2016: $500 Funds from IEEE Industry Applications Society to ISSAT Sousse IAS student chapter
- 11 May 2016: $300 Funds from IEEE Signal Processing Society to the SPS Tunisia chapter
- 2 May 2016: $12,734.55 Rebate for section, regular chapters, and affinity groups
- 23 March 2016: $500 Travel grant from IEEE R8 VCF of 1 author to participate to AINA 2016 in Switzerland
- 27 January 2016: $800 Funds from IEEE Communication Society to the ComSoc Tunisia chapter
- 6 January 2016: $500 Outstanding IEEE SMC Society SBC Award to ENIS SMCS student chapter
- 4 January 2016: $200 Funds from IEEE Women In Engineering for WIE Tunisia Affinity group
- 3 December 2015: $200 Funds from IEEE Women In Engineering for WIE student ISSAT Sousse
- 1 December 2015: $500 Funds from IEEE RA Society to the RAS INSAT student chapter
- 1 December 2015: $1,000 Funds from IEEE RA Society to the RAS Tunisia chapter: Buiding & Programming Robots to Compete project
- 26 November 2015: $473 Travel grant from IEEE R8 VCF of 1 author to participate to ELECO 2015 in Turkey
- 17 November 2015: $510 Travel grant from IEEE R8 VCF of 1 author to participate to AICCSA 2015 in Morocco
- 16 November 2015: $1,142 Student branches rebate (ENIT, INSAT, ENIG, ENIB, ULT, ENIS)
- 12 November 2015: $100 Member-Get-a-Member (MGM) Section Award
- 11 November 2015: $150 IEEE Outstanding Student Branch counselor Award to the ENIS SB counselor
- 3 November 2015: $2,000 Funds from the IEEE eGov to the Open Government Data Hackathon
- 26 October 2015: $500 Funds from IEEE RA Society to the RAS ENIG student chapter
- 18-22 October 2015: $21,700 Travel grants and registration fees to 13 IEEE IAS members to participate in the IAS Annual meeting in Dallas, USA
- 14 October 2015: $600 Travel grant from IEEE R8 VCF of 1 author to participate to IDEAL 2015 in Poland
- 30 September 2015: $380 IEEE PES High Performing Student Branch Chapter Program Award for PES ENIS student chapter
- 24 September 2015: $650 Funds from IEEE AP Society for the APS Tunisia chapter
- 17 September 2015: $534 Travel grant from IEEE R8 VCF of 1 author to participate to IEEE ISISI 2015 in Serbia
- 16 September 2015: $1,500 Student Enterprise Award for INSAT SB
- 9 September 2015: $572 Travel grant from IEEE R8 VCF of 1 author to participate to AECIA 2015 in France
- 31 August 2015: $928 Travel grant from IEEE R8 VCF of 1 author to participate to EUSIPCO in France
- 23 August 2015: $970 Travel grant from IEEE R8 VCF of 1 author to participate to ICDAR 2015 in France
- 4-7 August 2015: Free registration to 7 students to participate in the ME-SBC 2015 in Jordan
- 2 August 2015: $600 Travel grant from IEEE R8 VCF to IEEE FUZZ 2015 in Turkey
- 26 June 2015: $300 Funds from IEEE AES Society for AESS Tunisia chapter
- 20 May 2015: $881 Travel grant from IEEE R8 VCF of 1 author to participate to ICALT 2015 in France
- 18 May 2015: $400 Funds from Women In Engineering (WIE) to organize DIGIC Hackathon (WIE ENIS)
- 29 April 2015: $10,529.75 Rebate for section, regular chapters, and affinity groups
- 15 April 2015: $500 STEP award the Young Professional Tunisia affinity group
- 8 April 2015: $650 Funds from IEEE IA Society to the Student Branch congress SBC 2014
- 24 March 2015: $2,000 Funds from IEEE Industry Applications Society to ENIG, INSAT, ENIM, and ENICarthage IAS student chapters
- 10 December 2014: $500 STEP award to the Young Professionals Tunisia affinity group
- 10 December 2014: $1,296 Student branches rebate (ENIT, ENIS, ENIG, ENIB, ENIM, ENSIT)
- 13 November 2014: $1,000 Student Enterprise award for INSAT SB “Domotics Application Alimented by Renewable Energy project”
- 5-9 October 2014: Travel grant and registration fees to 5 IEEE IAS members to participate in the IAS Annual meeting in Vancouver, Canada
- 30 September 2014: $300 IEEE PES High Performing Chapter Award to the IEEE PES Tunisia Chapter
- 6-10 August 2014: Free registration of 4 students to participate in the SYP 2014 in Krakow, Poland
- 5 June 2014: $12,157.65 Rebate for section, regular chapters, and affinity groups
- 23 January 2014: $462 Student branches rebate (ENIS)
- 16 January 2014: $500 IEEE Day Award – The Best Humanitarian Activity to the IEEE ENIS Student Branch
- 19 December 2013: $910 Grant funds for X-Academic
- 6 November 2013: $500 STEP award to the Young Professionals Tunisia affinity group
- 4 October 2013: $500 Member Get A Member Section Award
- 1 October 2013: $500 Hall of Fame award to the GOLD Tunisia affinity group
- 23 August 2013: $400 Student Enterprise Award to the ENIS Student branch
- 18 April 2013: $10,294 Rebate for section, regular chapters, and affinity groups
- 20 February 2013: $132 Student branches rebate (ENIT)
- 18 December 2012: $1,500 EPICS Project award to the ENIS Student branch “Acquisition Electronic Card for Educational Experiments”
- 15 October 2012: $350 Member Get A Member Section Award
- 25-27 July 2012: Participation of 12 IEEE students to the IEEE R8 student branch and young professional congress, Madrid, Spain
- 27 June 2012: $718 Student branches rebate (ENIS)
- 8 June 2012: $500 STEP award to the GOLD Tunisia affinity group
- 1 June 2012: $200 IEEE Outstanding Student Branch counselor Award to the ENIS SB counselor
- 16 May 2012: $7,984.65 Rebate for section, regular chapters, and affinity groups
- 12 December 2011: $500 IEEE Day Photo contest award to the ENIS student branch
- 7 December 2011: $202 Student branches rebate (ENIT, ENIS)
- 2 October 2011: $100 Member Get A Member Section Award
- 7 July 2011: $1,000 IEEE RA Society chapter of the year award to the RAS Tunisia chapter
- 5 July 2011: $500 STEP award to the GOLD Tunisia affinity group
- 22 April 2011: $7,423.15 Rebate for section, regular chapters, and affinity groups
- 3 November 2010: $500 STEP award to the GOLD Tunisia affinity group
- 13 August 2010: $90 Student branches rebate (ENIS)
- 28 April 2010: $6,100.45 Rebate for section, regular chapters, and affinity groups
- 22 April 2009: $3,218.95 Rebate for section, regular chapters, and affinity group