CodeToCure 2.0
March 21 @ 4:00 pm - 8:00 am UTC
– IEEE ESPRIT WIE SBAG, IEEE ESPRIT CIS SB Chapter, executed a flawless organization of the “Code to Cure 2.0” hackathon, a thrilling experience in healthcare data science. As a participative process, the contest asked participants to craft innovative and data-driven solutions for healthcare’s most significant issues. – With the guidance of industry professionals, teams worked through challenging healthcare data sets, vying for the top spot as judges rewarded the most outstanding solutions. More than the competition, however, the hackathon underscored the contestants’ remarkable talent and hidden potential for healthcare innovation. – Participants also benefited from AI industry presentations and networking, so the event was not just a showcase of talent but also a convergence of AI and healthcare communities. “Code to Cure 2.0” effectively promoted collaboration and paved the way for future healthcare data science breakthroughs. Bldg: Nefel Education, Technopole,Ghazela, Ariana , Ariana, Tunisia, 1028