Student Branch Meeting
21 June, 2013
For Friday the 21th of June 2013 at the ENSI School
Campus Universitaire – La Manouba
The IEEE Tunisian section committee is pleased to announce the organization of a series of meeting with the Student Branches chairs and vice chairs with the participation of their counselors. The objective is to conjugate the efforts of the different Tunisian Student Branches in order to fix together the future strategies of their activities. Thus, for this first meeting (for the year 2013), the SB of ENIB, ENIT, ETSI, ESSTT, FST, INSAT, ENSI and Sup’Com will meet at ENSI in the University of Manouba. The program of this meeting will be scheduled for 3 hours as following:
- 09:00 Welcome word from the Tunisia section chair
- 09:15 Technical Activities for Student Branches, Technical Activities Coordinator
- 09:30 Presentation of the future activities planned by the Tunisia section and dedicated to the SB from the Tunisian Section Coordinators
- 09:45 Minutes for each student branch in order to present their past and future activities
- 11:30 Discussions on our future strategy for the evolution of the SB in Tunisia
- 12:00 Conclusions and recommendations.
We are looking forward to meeting with you.